Cellular Respiration And Yeast Research Paper

Words: 500
Pages: 2

Cellular respiration is the process in which you take, for example, glucose and yeast and as a result you get CO2. Which is a very testable topic. In cellular respiration microorganisms obtain the energy available in carbohydrates, like glucose, carbon dioxide and water. Almost all living things, even those that photosynthesize, “burn” sugar as a source of energy. Yeast is a tiny fungus, which has single oval cells that reproduce and are converting sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide. By taking Lactaid milk, yeast is unable to bubble or ferment lactose because it is a disaccharide. Yeast does not make the enzyme that breaks lactose into separate molecules of glucose and GA lactose. The enzyme lactase will break lactose into the two simple sugars, glucose and galactose. …show more content…
Lactose is an example, sugar found in milk. It’s broken down by lactase, an enzyme found in the small intestine, and absorbed into the blood as a source of nourishment. People who do not produce lactase in their body need to get mild that is free of lactose, such as Lactaid milk. If taking a substance that has its sugars already broken down the estimate would be that it would have a smaller effect on the CO2. Compared to the regular milk you buy it has to go through a different process because its sugars aren’t broken down already in that case there would be a higher result of