cf Alternate Assignment Event 2 Essay

Submitted By RikiiGipson
Words: 825
Pages: 4

Event 2
Alternative Assignment
High School Focus

Selecting, Analyzing Pre-Assessment
For MN TOR Standards: B1, B3, C6

Learner Name
Rikii Gipson
Professional Colleague Name
Carrie Arauz
Instructor Name
Carrie Arauz
Quarter, Year, and Section #
1st, 2014
Purvis High School
Grade Level

Once you have selected your pre-assessments for your alternative assignment, you must review them with your professional colleague and get their feedback on your choices. There is a place at the end of this section for your professional colleague to make comments and sign off on your choices.
You need to identify assessments to complete the following requirements:
Identify an assessment appropriate for assessing a student’s ability to comprehend.
Identify a reading interest inventory to assess student reading interest.
Identify an assessment appropriate for assessing English language learners or other diverse student populations.
Identify an online assessment for assessing student reading ability.

All assessments must meet MN Standards B1, B3, and C6.
Subp. 3a. B. A teacher of reading must be able to use a wide range of instructional practices, approaches, methods, and curriculum materials to support reading instruction:
(1) organize and manage effective reading instruction appropriate across developmental levels, proficiency, and linguistic backgrounds.
(2) implement a variety of appropriate grouping strategies including individual, small group, and whole group reading instruction.
Subp. 3a. C. A teacher of reading must be able to use a variety of assessment tools and practices to plan and evaluate effective reading instruction:
(6) select materials, identify appropriate instructional strategies, and allocate resources needed to implement interventions and remediations.

Assessment 1:
Assessment Name: Performance-based assessments
Assessment Reference: ELL
Assessment Description:

Performance-based assessments are based on classroom instruction and everyday tasks. You can use performance-based assessments to assess ELLs' language proficiency and academic achievement through oral reports, presentations, demonstrations, written assignments, and portfolios.

These assessments can include both processes (e.g., several drafts of a writing sample) and products (e.g., team projects). You can use scoring rubrics and observation checklists to evaluate and grade your students. These assessment tools can help document your ELLs' growth over a period of time. Here is a sample language and academic assessment form that you can complete on a monthly basis to learn about the overall academic and English proficiency progress of your ELLs. If there is an ESL or resource teacher at school assisting your ELLs, you can share this assessment of the ELL's progress during the past month

Time to Administer Assessment: 1 class period, over a period of 6 weeks
Assessment 2:
Assessment Name: Cloze
Assessment Reference: Comprehension
Assessment Description:

Reading comprehension tests can vary along many other important dimensions besides mode of administration, such as the type of text children are expected to read on the test (e.g., narrative, informational, or poetic material); time constraints and pressure for speed; whether or not children can refer back to the text in answering comprehension questions; and response format, or how children are expected to demonstrate comprehension of what they have read.

Three response formats are especially common: cloze, question-answering, and retellings. Cloze format tests present sentences