Essay on Ch 9 Volcanic Activity

Submitted By hermz613
Words: 377
Pages: 2

Your homework for this lesson is to read chapter 9 (Keller, 9ed) and assess your understanding of the key concepts, the meaning of the focus words, and the answers to questions to consider.

1: Key Learning Concepts:

Volcanoes are tangible evidence that the interior of the planet is hot and that this heat can be transmitted to the surface in the form of molten rock. While volcanic eruptions are not common in North
America, they have the potential of severely disrupting our way of life and killing thousands of people. At the end of this lesson you should be able to:
Describe the geologic conditions that create volcanoes and be able to associate volcano types with specific tectonic settings.
Know the correlation between silica content, magma viscosity, rock type formed, and degree of explosiveness of each volcano type.
Use your knowledge of volcanoes to assess relative magnitude of the danger they present.
Recognize volcanoes by their shape and types of features they produce.
Understand the potential danger posed by caldera eruptions and their locations in the North America.
Know the specific types of hazards associated with each volcano type, both direct and indirect.
Be familiar with the lessons learned from the eruptions of Mount Pinatubo, Mount St. Helens, and Mount Unzen.
Understand the potential advantages and limitations of monitoring preeruption activity.
Realize that like many other natural hazards the exact prediction of volcanic eruptions is more about being prepared than knowing exactly when an event will occur.

2: Focus Words:

Lava flow