Change Of Subject Form Essay example

Submitted By Haochen1235C
Words: 617
Pages: 3


Student Name:

I wish to change / drop (circle one)

(From) Subject/Class: _______________________________ (To) Subject: _______________________________
Reason for Change ____________________________________________________________________________
My other subjects/classes are

(Tick one box) I want a ATAR / I do not want a ATAR Student signed: _____________________

This section to be completed by the Year Adviser.

Recommendation: YES / NO (circle one) HSC/UAI Eligibility Checked: YES / NO (circle one)

Comments: __________________________________________________________________________________

Year Adviser Signed: _______________________________________ Date: ___________________________

This section to be completed by a Parent or Guardian.

I wish my son/daughter/ward to make the subject change listed above. I have discussed this matter with him/her and understand how it may affect his/her options for gaining a UAI, HSC or affect their career options.

Signed: Date:

This section to be completed by the Head Teacher of subject being picked up.
The student has been granted placement in…

Head Teacher sign:__________________________
Date:__________________________ Date:

This section to be completed by the Head Teacher of subject being dropped.

Head Teacher sign:__________________________

This section to be completed by the Principal.
The proposed subject change has been APPROVED / NOT APPROVED (circle one)

Principal: Date:

This section to be completed by the SASS member responsible for ERN class lists.
ERN Records changed, copies distributed (sign): ___________________________ Date:
See reverse for procedure
Change of Subject Procedure

1. Students from Years 9-12 get form from the Deputy Principal for the grade. (Year adviser collects forms from the print room) Year Adviser interviews/counsels student about the change and reasons for it. This may involve contacting the BOS entries staff member and ascertaining eligibility for UAI and HSC if the Year Adviser cannot determine this.

2. Student completes the first section of the form, indicating whether they wish to receive a UAI or not and signs it.

3. Student takes form home to be discussed with parents/guardians. Parents/Guardians sign form. (Forms will not be processed without this signature)

4. (If relevant) Student takes form to the HT of any class they are trying to enrol in and gets