Essay on Changes in society

Submitted By aoifecaitlin
Words: 1059
Pages: 5

Changes in society

Feudalism – no social mobility worked in rural areas classic extended families no childhood culture ended after the French Revolution ascribed status children went to work at a young age hierarchy, kings, lords, serfs work for food and money

Modernity – urbanization housewives men worked which meant they had more power modern family more nuclear families capitalism can achieve your status social mobility centralized government voting industrialization no childhood culture

Post-modernity – globalization media saturated society after the 70s more divorce more lone parent families decline in meta-narrative (big stories) – the bible no relativity of the truth which leads to the crisis of meaning new technology, phones, TV, internet exposed to more, brands, media capitalism transnational companies

Media Saturated Society loss in confidence in Meta-Narratives more choices in what to believe the media and cultural industry (fashion, film, advertising, music etc.) have become central to how we live boundaries have been broken we are aware of more the truth is unattainable people are more skeptical

The European Enlightenment changed ideas of fate because of medical reasons burke and hare the grave robbers science and ratiocination replaced religion and superstition as the bases of European societies
Charles Darwin theory of evolution, changed the theory of genesis.

The French Revolution 1789 first European group to over throw the monarchy changed the ancient structure of feudalism set the precedent for democratic institution such as elections representatives, government and constitution arranged marriages were normal in the uk the feudal law would decided not the family
Queen and King thought they were put there by God

Industrial Revolution changed the way society organized its labour force women stay at home and form bonds with children which leads to housewives changed the way people live from rural to urban men developed power in the family when this happened so did capitalism social mobility people started to earn wages agriculture to factories

Sociological Theories –
Free Will Perspectives- use different research methods everyone are individuals parents, friends, job and knowledge bottom up theories start with the people rather then the structure interested in the way people interpret own meanings they disagree that your behavior is determined by the structure of society see people as having a much more positive role in shaping our society

Functionalism - functionalism views society as a system as a set of interrelated parts that functions for the benefit of the whole some parts of society are more important then others most important parts are social institutions as they teach us norms and values which promotes order and stability in society value consensus

Criticisms of Functionalism – preoccupied by order and discovering the positive functions if institutions which support the smooth running of society socialization is not always positive (education bottom sets, media and propaganda, religion and violence) by focusing o the social structure of behavior they fail to take into account an individuals motives in acting ignored the fact that power is not equally distributed

Conclusion it’s a structural theory a consensus theory the way institutions ( the family) promote a consensus of values interested in the source of order and stability famous functionalist Emile Durkheim (started functionalism)

Marxism – structural theory focuses on the way social institutions function to create conflict and disorder class conflict
Marx argued that industrial and capitalistic society divides everyone into two basic classes
Bourgeoisie the ruling class own the means of production
Proletariat the