Essay about Chapter 11 Thesis

Submitted By 17jmcintyre
Words: 1124
Pages: 5

Ryan McIntyre


Federalist and Republican Mudslingers 1.
What political liabilities existed for Adams and for Jefferson in 1800? For Adam and the federalists, their Alien and Sedition Acts brought them down a lot because it caused them to have a host of enemies; also, the federalists all got ready for war by increasing public debt, and a stamp tax. For Jefferson, he was the victim of the first whispering campaign and accused of robbing a widow and her kids a trust fund and he fathered many mulatto children with his slave Sally Hemings. Also, his want for the separation of church and state caused many to go against him. The Jeffersonian "Revolution of 1800" 2.
Was the 1800 election more or less important than the 1796 election? Explain. Yes, because that was the end of the federalists, John Adams was the last of the federalist presidents. Also, it was a really close election. There was a deadlock and House of Reps had to decide and Jefferson just pulled through. Also, Jefferson couldn't have won without Aaron Burr because he convinced NY to
Jefferson's side. Responsibility Breeds Moderation 3. How revolutionary was the "Revolution of 1800?" It was revolutionary in a peaceful way. Jefferson set the precedent of sending a clerk to Congress for messages and he was an informal, down­to­earth, with the people president. He kept many of the federalist ideas and let many of the federalist public servants stay in office. Also, importantly, Jefferson established the rule of pell­mell at dinner parties, which means there was no seating with regards to rank; it miffed some people. Jeffersonian Restraint 4.
"As president, Thomas Jefferson acted more like a Federalist than like a Democratic Republican."

While Jefferson did do away with the excise tax, he left everything else Hamilton did intact. He and his
Secretary of the Treasury Albert Gallatin left the funding at par, Bank of the U.S, the mildly protective
Federalist tariff alone. Also, they rechartered a bigger bank and boosted the protective tariff to higher levels later on. The "Dead Clutch" of the Judiciary 5.
What was the main purpose of John Marshall as Chief Justice? How can this be seen in the
Marbury v. Madison decision?

John Marshall dominated the supreme court with his powerful intellect and commanding personality. He shaped the American legal tradition. Marbury, a midnight judge, was being released from of being a judge and so he sued Madison. Marshall dismissed the suit but he used his ruling to show the part of the Judiciary
Act of 1789 that Marbury tried to use was wrong and in doing so, he magnified the authority of the court and it was a victory for the federalists. Jefferson, a Reluctant Warrior 6.
How did Jefferson deal with the extortion of the Barbary States? After war was declared indirectly by the pasha of Tripoli, Jefferson had to rise up and dispatch the infant navy to the shores of Tripoli; after 5 years, Jefferson got a treaty in 1805 with a ransom for captured Ams. The Louisiana Godsend 7.
Explain two ways that history may have been different if the French had not sold Louisiana to the
United States. One way would've been there could've been another major battle/war with France and Spain over New
Orleans. Another is that westward expansion wouldn't have been kick started and since the land wasn't
America's any expansion would've caused fights; and America wouldn't be as big and as it is today. Louisiana in the Long View 8.
What positive consequences resulted from the Louisiana Purchase? It let Jefferson avoid a confrontation with France and a messy alliance with England. Also, America secured the western half of the richest river valley in the world and laid the foundations of a future major power. It also set valuable precedents for future expansion and getting land by purchasing them. What's more is, it led to the expansion of