Chapter 5 Essay

Submitted By Florida-City
Words: 1146
Pages: 5

Chapter 5
Working with Layers


Create and modify layers
Manipulate layered artwork
Work with layered artwork
Create a clipping set

Create and Modify Layers
• The Layers panel consists of a series of layers.
• The number of layers are limited only by the computer’s memory.
• By default every document is created with one layer, called Layer 1.

Work with Layered Artwork
• The Eye icon (Toggles Visibility button) lets you hide and show layers.
• The Lock icon (Toggles Lock button) lets you lock and unlock layers.

Work with Layered Artwork

Eye icon (Toggles visibility button)
Lock icon
(Toggles lock button) Work with Layered Artwork.
The absence of the
Lock icon indicates that this layer is not locked The absence of the
Eye icon indicates that this layer is hidden

Create and Modify Layers
• Create new layers and move objects into them, segregating and organizing work.
• First object placed on Layer 1 is sublayer called
• Each object placed on same layer is placed on separate <path> sublayer.

Create and Modify Layers
• Each layer has thumbnail (miniature picture) to the left of the layer name.
• Change the size of rows in Layers panel by choosing new size in Layers Panel Options dialog box.
– Click Layers panel options button
– Click Panel Options

Create and Modify Layers
Each part of this illustration is on a separate layer

Create and Modify Layers
• There are two basic ways to create new layers and sublayers:
– Click New Layer or New Sublayer command in
Layers panel menu
– Click Create New Layer or Create New Sublayer button in Layers panel

Create and Modify Layers
• To duplicate layers, click the Duplicate command in Layers panel menu.
• Drag a layer or sublayer onto the Create New
Layer button in the Layers panel.
• All artwork will also be duplicated.

Create and Modify Layers
Selection marks for chair are red, the color assigned to the
Chair layer

The chair on the artboard and in the Layers panel

Create and Modify Layers
• The Layer Options dialog box allows you to set
Layer Options:
– Name a layer
– Select a selection color for the layer
– Lock a layer
– Show or hide a layer

Create and Modify Layers
• Setting layer options
– Preview option displays all artwork on a layer in
Preview mode
– When Preview option not activated, artwork displayed in Outline mode

Create and Modify Layers
• Setting layer options
– Print option allows you to print a layer
– The Dim Images option reduces intensity of bitmap images

Create and Modify Layers

Color list arrow

Create and Modify Layers
• When an object is selected on the artboard:
– the layer is highlighted in Layers panel
– the Indicates Selected Art button appears

• The Select All command selects every object on artboard.

Create and Modify Layers
Selected Art button for
Chair layer
Layer target,
Click to select all art on layer

Selection marks for chair are red, the color assigned to the Chair layer

Manipulate Layered Artwork
• All objects on a given layer are behind objects on layer above it and above those on a layer below it.
• Multiple objects within a given layer overlap according to stacking order.

Manipulate Layered Artwork
• To change position of layer or sublayer, drag it up or down in panel.
• When layer is repositioned, sublayers move with it.

Manipulate Layered Artwork

Changing the order of layers

Manipulate Layered Artwork
• Condensing layers is process of dragging one layer into another.
• Repositioned layer becomes sublayer of layer into which it was dragged.

Manipulate Layered Artwork
• To merge multiple layers and sublayers:
– Select the layer
• Press [Ctrl](Win) or (Mac) to select multiple layers

– Apply the Merge Selected command on the Layers panel menu

Manipulate Layered Artwork
• One or more objects on a layer are sublayers.
• When first object placed on layer, triangle appears to left of layer name.
– Click triangle to expand layer and see sublayers.
– Click again to collapse