Chapter 8 First Aid Essay examples

Submitted By NourHammad123
Words: 841
Pages: 4

Razan Qutami
First Aid and CPR
Chapter 8 Outline
External Bleeding:
External bleeding refers to blood coming from an open wound.
The term Hemorrhage refers to a large amount of bleeding in a short time.
External bleeding can be classified into three types according to the type of blood vessel that is damaged artery, vein, or capillary.
Arterial bleeding is the most serious type of bleeding because a large amount of blood can be most serious type of bleeding time.
Venous bleeding is when blood from a vein flows steadily or gushes. Venous bleeding is easier to control than arterial bleeding.
Capillary bleeding is the most common type of bleeding, blood oozes from capillaries. Usually not serious and stops itself.
Care for External Bleeding:
Protect yourself against disease by wearing exam gloves. If they aren’t available then use some type of protection.
Expose the wound by removing or cutting the victim’s clothing to find the source of the bleeding.
Place a sterile gauze pad or a clean cloth such as a handkerchief, washcloth, or towel over the entire wound and apply direct pressure with your fingers for small wounds and with the palm of your hand for large wounds.
To free you attend to other injuries or victims, use a pressure bandage to hold the dressing on the wound.
When a direct pressure cannot be applied, such as in the case of a protruding bone, skull fracture, or embedded object, use a doughnut-shaped pad to control bleeding.
Internal Bleeding:
Internal bleeding occurs when the skin is not broken and blood is not seen. In can be difficult to detect and can be life threatening.
Broken bones can even cause internal blood loss. A broken femur can easily result in a loss of 1 or 2 quartz of blood.
Recognizing Internal Bleeding:
Bright red from the mouth or blood in the urine
Nonexternal vaginal bleeding
Vomiting blood; may be bright red, dark red, or look like coffee grounds.
Black, foul-smelling , tarry stools
Pain, tenderness, bruising, or swelling
Broken ribs, bruises over the lower chest, or a rigid abdomen.
Caring for Internal Bleeding
For severe internal bleeding care follow these steps:
Monitor breathing
Expect vomiting. If vomiting occurs, keep the victim lying on his or her side to allow drainage and to prevent inhalation allow of vomitus.
Treat for shock and cover the victim with a coat or blanket for warmth.
Treat suspected internal bleeding in an extremity by applying a splint
Seek immediate medical care.
Bruises are a form of internal bleeding.
To treat bruises:
-Apply an ice pack over the injury for 20 minutes.
-If an arm or leg is involved, apply an elastic bandage for compression.7
“Rice” R: Rest, I: Ice, C:compress the area with an elastic bandage, E: Elevate the injured extremely.

Razan Qutami
First Aid and CPR
Chapter 8 Fact
Hemorrhage is a large amount of bleeding in a short time.
Shock describes a state of and failure of the cardiovascular system in which blood circulation decreases and collapse and decreases. An inexperienced person may have difficulty detecting the color difference but would still be able to identify the type of bleeding by its flow.
Arteries contain small