Chapter One Essay

Submitted By MatthewmelfiC
Words: 1346
Pages: 6

Components of religion
What it believes creed- Nicene/ Apostles
What is considered/ acceptable/ unacceptable behavior based on those belief code- 10 commandments
How it worships cult- mass/ sacraments/ rosary/ stations of the cross since this is morality class we will be dealing with Chapter one: Background
A: Moral: A manner of being or acting or of conducting oneself, especially in regard to man only human beings may act freely 2 conditions for moral responsible: 1) knowledge 2) freedom
B: Theology: Theos Logia study science of God; not as He is Himself but as revealed to man. Not as man can deduce from reason but rather it is faith seeking understanding in light of visible creation.
C: Moral Theology: 1) studies human conduct in the light of Salvation Truth, the teachings of Christ 2) Searches in revelation for the values and norms of a Christian life 3) Sources of revelation are the Bible/ Scripture and it's valid interpretation Tradition, Church teaching and private prayer- communication with God.
D: Function of Moral Theology: to show man how to conduct His life according to the will of God.
E: Terms: 1) moral- that what is good/ right 2) immoral- that what is bad/ wrong 3) amoral- that what is neither right/ good nor wrong/ bad.
F: Starting Point For Moral Theology: Is God not Man.
G: Good vs. Evil: 1) Objective Good (Independent of this personal judgement of each person) 2) Subjective Good
( Moral relativism) That which is moral in the personal judgement of each person.
H: Human Person in Relationship: 1) God- dependence (we are created body and soul in God's image and must conduct ourselves accordingly) 2) self- love of self is necessary to love others 3) others- respect, affirm, protect and promote the dignity of every other person (we are social beings) 4) creation- oneness with creation and stewardship
(Hierarchy of creation: 1) angels- pure spirit/soul 2) human beings- Body and soul 3) animals- pure body 4) vegetation) (original sin is a sin of pride) ( Lucifer led a rebellion against God. People who follow with him are called fallen angels/ demons) (Saint Michael started the counter rebellion)
Philosophies: view point
A: 1) How we think of others has to effect our behavior/conduct 2) society and media affect the way we should act.
B: Various Philosophies in our pluralist society: 1) Hedonism/ Playboy: Worship of the body emphasis on pleasure.
("If it feels good do it/ eat, drink, and be merry") Pleasure seeking leads to consumerism (What they own). 2)
Utilitarianism: usefulness of a person or action is measured by the good they do (for anyone) (what you do) ("One hand washes the other") 3) Deontological: follow the law and/or the accepted norms of behavior of your society at all times regardless of the consequence ("I was just following orders") (how well you confirm) 4) Christianity: value of the individual, relationship to others, responsibility for the whole. An action or other oriented life of loving service to others because you love God. (Who you are). 5) secular Humanism: Christianity without Christ.
Our personal philosophy is usually a combination of several of the above without one dominating the rest.
Moral theology

• Centered in God

• Based on faith/revelation

• Infallible- can't be wrong

• Unchangeable

• Goal: heaven

Moral theology vs. Ethics

• Centered in man

• Based on reasonable

• Fallible

• Changeable

• Goal: the full development of man's natural abilities

Moral theology is superior to ethics but ethics is a supplement to morality and should not be discounted.
Revelation and moral responsibility
1) Our responsibility to God cannot be separated from our responsibility to others (we are united to God and Others through the Spirit)
2) Example of the two sections of the Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule. (613 laws of the Judaism) (10 commandments: 1) no gods before me 2) don't use God's name in vein 3) keep holy the sabbath 4) honor parents 5) don't kill 6) don't commit