Commerce And Trade: Road Was Used Predominately For Very Weally Consumers

Submitted By Brittabee1
Words: 458
Pages: 2

Chapter 7 outline
1. Commerce and Trade
A. The Silk Road 1. Silk Represented wealthy 2. Road was used predominately for Very Wealthy consumers 3. The Silk industry began in China 3rd millenium bce 4. Located in Central Asia 5. Technology - yokes, saddles, stirrups 6. 300bce silk commercial networking 7. Women in the Silk Trade (Tang Dynasty 618-907ce) Responsible for supply and demand 8. by 6th century silk production skill is known in korea, japan, India, Persia, and Byzantine Empire. 9. Silk Enters Byzantine Empire (BZE) 7th/8th century bce 10. Silk in Culture In Central Asia, Silk= Currency China & B. E. Silk= Status; only allowed to elites Buddhism/Christianity, Silk= Sacred 11. Effects of Silk Trade Yangzi River Peasants swiitch to production of silk, paper, porcelin, laquer ware or iron tools 12. Buddhism Spreads 4th century China Shi Le & Fotudeng Change of Faith; embraced Material 13. Silk and Disease Roman Empire & Han Dynasty devastated Smallpox & Measles spread of sickness stregthens religious bonds 14. Bubonic Plague (534- 750bce) Constantinople 40,000 people die in 534bce

B. Sea Roads 1. Linked along Indian Ocean 2. From Southern Asia to East Africa 3. Cheaper than Silk Roads 4. Venice, Italy 1000ce Center of commercial network 5. Accommodated heavier cargo; mass market products 6. Tang and song dynasties china reestablished unified state encouraged trade 7. China Technological contributions- Larger ships and magnetic compass 8. Rise of Islam connected people 9. Emergence of sea road states Commerce created more states in Southeast Asia Srivijaya 670-1025 Kingdom, Gold trade Access to spices Taxes on trade ships Funan Hosted merchants 10. Indian alphabet used in Southeast Asia: Sanskrit & Pallava 11. India's Influence Kingdoms where shiva was worshipped Hindu and Buddhist temples Borbudur 12. Female involvement Women had hand in commerce served as gladiators, warriors and