Character Analysis Of Janie In Their Eyes Were Watching God

Words: 350
Pages: 2

Janie is a very independent and strong character. In the novel “Their Eyes Were Watching God”, there is a man named Joe (Jody Starks) is a very arrogant man who's very passionate of himself and likes to focus on him, he is also Janie's second husband. Janie and Joe had some problems with Joe’s criticism. Her reaction to Joe’s criticism made her disappointed and angry.

In the novel Jody had said “the mayor’s wife doesn’t give speeches” which made her angry because that was against women, which made her show that she's doesn't believe that women doesn't give speeches according to Jody. Janie has reacted in a calm way about what Jody said, but kept to herself to control her anger.

Jody has become a man who is very disrespectful and arrogant