Character Analysis Of Marie Tovesky In O Pioneer

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Pages: 3

Marie Tovesky is a young Bohemian girl with beautiful brown curly hair and catching eyes. Willa Cather uses tigers eye in the description on Marie Tovesky in O Pioneers to show the complexities of her character. Cather uses tigers eye twice in the novel to describe Marie. Tigers eye has some very unique meanings within its self. This allows Cather to use it to describe Marie. Tigers eye is used to describe Marie Tovesky at the very beginning of the novel. When she is described Marie is playing with Emil Bergson. “Every one noticed her eyes; the brown iris had golden glints that made them look like gold-stone, or, in softer lights, like that Colorado mineral called tiger-eye” (Cather 13). Later in Cather’s novel O Pioneers Marie’s eyes are …show more content…
The different bands in it allow it to be beautiful but almost dangerous at the same time. I think that is how Marie is. She is a very beautiful young woman but she is also dangerous. She is caught between two men: the one she is married to and her childhood best friend. By loving both of those men she puts them in danger. Essentially, they become dangerous to each other. Tigers eye can be very opening and bright if you have it in a reflective orientation. Marie is a very bright person. She is happy most of the time. She welcomes anyone into her home. Tigers eye at the same time can be dark and hold secrets within it if it is in a non reflective orientation. Marie becomes dark at the end of the novel. She stops talking to her friend Alexandra Bergson and begins to stay home. Marie has held the secret of her love for Emil inside her for a long time that she is about to burst. Cather uses tigers eye to describe Marie because there is so much to the one mineral that it has its own unique personality, just as Marie Shabata does. By looking at where in Cather’s novel O Pioneers she uses tigers eye to describe Marie Shabata, The unique characteristics of tigers eye, and why she used tigers eye to describe Marie Shabata; We now know why she alluded to it. At the end of the novel when Marie and Emil and shot and killed. We can understand Cather's allusion. At the end of the novel when Marie and Emil and shot and killed. We again see the point of how dangerous and secretive just one person can be, just as tigers eye turns dark if is not in the