Character Analysis: The Five People You Meet In Heaven

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Pages: 5

Why do People Aspirate to a Painful Choice?
Mitch Albom once said, “Sacrifice is a part of life. It’s supposed to be. It’s not something to regret. It’s something to aspire to” (GoodReads). Mitch Albom author of The Five People You Meet in Heaven, conveys that people cannot run away from sacrifice. It is something that people have to do every day of their lives whether it contains positive or negative effects. Sacrifice is something people cannot out run because it will always be ahead and eventually people need to address it. If it is inevitable then why avoid it? He suggests to embrace sacrifice with open arms and make the best of whatever life gives people to work with. Since a popular theme in Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games trilogy is
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For instance, the Capitol sacrifices two tributes from each district and forces them to compete in the Hunger Games to discourage another uprising and war. If the Capitol did not sacrifice the district's youth and just played nice-nice with them, the districts would have been more cooperative with them and not have felt such a need for an uprising. Furthermore, the Capitol could have eliminated District 13 before they went underground but instead they made a non-aggression pact with them. Had they just destroyed it when they had the chance the uprising would never have succeeded. Twill says to Katniss, “We think the people moved underground when everything on the surface was destroyed” (Collins, Catching Fire 147). Had the Capitol finished the job they started there would be no hope for an uprising. In a like manner, president Snow sacrificed his health to become president and inflict his totalitarianistic goals upon the rest of Panem. He poisoned the other potential candidates drinks and as a ruse he poisoned his own drink, but he was the only one who had an antidote which is why he lived and all the other died leaving him as the only person to become president. As a result of the Capitols arduous goal of totalitarianism they sacrificed a healthy relationship with the districts, being rid of an enemy, and their president's health all for oppressing control over every aspect of