Character Analysis: Why Nero Killed Agrippina Minor

Words: 144
Pages: 1

Nero killed Agrippina Minor because she was a ruthless woman who forced Claudius, her husband, to choose Nero, her son by another marriage, as the heir to the throne. She was almost a full-time ruler during Claudius' last years as emperor and it is believed that she played a part in his death. Agrippina probably wanted to keep ruling during Nero's time on the throne, as well. Nero, a mama's boy who wanted to declare his independence, knew of no better way to get rid of her other than murder. He did this in a most innovative way, first by sawing off the beams of a boat she was on and then, when she swam to the shore, sent a hired killer to stab her. Famously, he told the killer "Strike here" pointing to the womb that carried him and brought