Character Transformation In Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis

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Pages: 2

What would it feel like to turn into a bug, a vermin, a disgusting creature? In “Metamorphosis” by Franz Kafka, Gregor Samsa is turned into a horrid, massive bug. Throughout “Metamorphosis”, many of the characters are transformed, including Gregor and Gregor’s Family, his family loves him at the start but eventually starts to hate him and then kills him in the end. “If only his father would stop that unbearable hissing…” (Kafka 18) This sentence shows the start of Gregor’s doom, his father is terrified of him and pushing him back to his room. The first change in the story was Gregor, as soon as the story starts he is no longer human; he is turning into a bug, already being dehumanized. Later we learn that Gregor is the backbone of his family; he is the only one with a job and is the one that has to pay for everything. We also learn that his family loves and cares about him, but as soon as he changes his whole family turns on him, acts like he is garbage and eventually kills him. …show more content…
Gregor’s father loves his son because of the work Gregor puts in to support the family. When Gregor is transformed his father is very angry and horrified, he doesn’t see his son in that vermin. His father even kills him; he kills him because he thinks he is just killing a bug. “Gregor froze in shock; there was no longer any point in running as his father had decided to bombard him.” Those apples are the killing blow to Gregor. The apples could also symbolize the story of Adam and Eve in the