Charles Murray Self Esteem Analysis

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Pages: 3

Public policy is integrated into the main stream of social and economic opportunities. In order to achieve a successful reform public policy should focus on self-respect than self-esteem. While, self-respect is based on principles and self-esteem is different for everyone therefore, difficult to define. These differences is important in public policy formation because the role of government should shape people to achieve happiness instead of wealth. Charles Murray, In Pursuit of Happiness and Good Government discuss, the role government has in reformation of public policy. Charles Murray argued, the United States public policies have be injected with self-esteem. Self-esteem is found in education system and, Mayor Bloomberg fought to end …show more content…
According to Murray, “Self-respecting citizen will fail to fulfill the obligation of citizenship but, he “acknowledges his failures, knows himself capable of fulfill his obligation and remains committed to do so (pg. 119). Self-respect is an acknowledgment of personal responsibility and the ability to meet the responsibilities. A person may not measure up but, will remain committed to fulfill the obligations. Therefore, a person will accept their responsibility for their behaviors and ear up to their mistakes. Murray stated, “Self-Respect must ultimately be grounded in behavior. A person may fail to measure up now and gain, but if he truly “remains committed to do so,’ that commitment will be observable in heavier-if not in success, then in the act of trying” (pg. 119). Self-esteemed represents the human desire to be accepted and their values. Motivates engaged people to gain recognition. For example, “... A person with too much self-esteem is like-puffed up, narcissistic, vainglorious” (Murray 118). Therefore, a person sense of value is not …show more content…
Bloomberg agreed with Murray's assertion that self-esteem and self-respect operate differently. School that promote children as the policy No Child Left Behind, that allows students to be pass to another grade, without the completion of grade level work. Charles Murray, discusses how detrimental it is for the student because, there taught not doing any work will still be rewarded. For example, “learned helplessness have involved some of the more brutal experiment in motivations, wherein subject are taught by experience that their behaviors has no influence on evens” (Murray 152). Deprivations of the needs may lead to infeferionty complex, weakness and