Charles Wheelan Naked Economics Summary

Words: 891
Pages: 4

Eric LaMotte
Mr. Murphy
Economics is a world like no other. It is made up of very different meanings and concepts that create our free market today. Charles Wheelan established a simpler format for the average American to understand this complex system. He did so by writing Naked Economics: Undressing the Dismal Science. He wrote this in order to help the reader connect to the world of economics, which is not an easy feat. All the difficult aspects are broken down into everyday terms, so anyone without economic background can easily see the basics of the world. While doing this, he came across various social issues, political campaigns, and socio economic situations used as comparisons to give insight for his argument. I personally regard his work as a foundation for my economic
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My initial reaction was both positive and negative, as I agree and disagree with some of his major points. For starters, he really hits home with some realistic examples. He hides no facts from the reader, showing the dark world that we live in. This helps set the picture of how economics truly works. For example, he states, “At a time when we can split the atom, land on the moon, and decode the human genome, why do 2 billion people live on less than $2 a day?” 2 billion people make up almost 30% of the world’s population. The brutal facts that Wheelan shares really opened my eyes to how vast the problem truly is. We have done all of these incredible things, but 30 % of the population can barely afford a school lunch with their daily income. How does this make sense? Wheelan connected the economic drive to politics. The moon landing and atom splitting were purely in the name of power. Those things helped the nation as a whole. If it helped the nation as a whole to get rid of