Charlie Evans 10 Shortcuts

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Pages: 3

In an interview with author Charlie Rose he describes "10 shortcuts to make yourself clear" in writing. The first shortcut Rose and interviewer Harold Evans discusses is to get moving, meaning to have an active voice in your writing. He urges to avoid sentence structures that may cause confusion. Next, it is necessary to be specific. By staying focused on the topic that you are writing about and using significant and concrete details to support your main points creates "good" writing. The third shortcut is to be aware of raze adjectives and adverbs. Evans discusses that when using these they can cause a burden to the nouns and verbs and drag the sentence along. Rose then mentions to cut the fat and check the figures. He mentions it is important to make sure when using figures that you are clear and do not contradict yourself. The fifth shortcut is to organize for clarity. In addition, the writers' sentences need to be positive. When making a point is better to assert a positive, than negative to assure it is clear for the reader. Next, it is crucial to remember to not be a bore in your writing. Evans explains this point by discussing the importance of the rhythm of your …show more content…
"First, the author used a passive voice rather than an active voice throughout the article, which created more words with no energy. Another "bad" aspect of the writing is the use of adverbs. For example, "constantly, potentially, additionally, sufficiently, ultimately " These adverbs are not added to the main point of the overall paper. Although, there were parts of the article that could be improved, the author did have "good" parts of their writing. The article was organized for clarity by using bullets and sections. Next, the author was specific and used concrete details to support his topic. Lastly, the author uses a variety of sentence structure and rhythm that does not bore the