Charlie Gordon Dynamic Character

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Pages: 5

Stories have many interesting characters. Some change and go through a whole story arc, some never change their ways, and some just exist to move the plot along. These types of characters are known as round dynamic, round static, and flat characters. “Flowers for Algernon” is a story written by Daniel Keyes which focuses on a mentally disabled factory worker named Charlie Gordon that is the part of a cutting-edge surgery that increases his intelligence threefold. Charlie Gordon is a round dynamic character in that his abilities, his personality, and his views of others changed greatly since the operation.

Charlie Gordon is a dynamic character through the changes in his abilities and his intelligence. There are many pieces of evidence throughout
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Following his operation, Charlie had a great gain in his own personality, including self awareness, as evident here, “Now I know what it means to ‘pull a Charlie Gordon.’ I’m ashamed.” This shows that, following the surgery to increase his intelligence, Charlie had lost his naïveté and had become very much aware of how others treated him, how they belittled him. This also made Charlie feel dishonored due to how others were really treating him. Eventually, his vast intelligence made him become just like what his “friends” were before, as evident here, “I felt sick inside as I looked at his dull, vacuous smile, the wide, bright eyes of a child, uncertain but eager to please. They were laughing at him because he was mentally retarded. And I had been laughing at him too.” This shows that Charlie had joined in with the crowd and began laughing at the mentally challenged child. Charlie had become exactly what he was ashamed of having happen to him: Being a bully, a taunter towards some poor guy. So, another way that Charlie had changed was through how his behavior and personality had changed. This is evident through how he feels when he became self-aware and how he ended up ridiculing what he once was with his newly acquired