Charlie's Monologue Of A Soldier In Vietnam

Words: 1032
Pages: 5

Put him 6 00 miles away from his home,
Empty his heart of all but blood,
Make him live in sweat and mud, (character moves around in bed)
There is a life I have to live,
And why my soul to the devil I give,
You free boys swing in your easy chair,
But you don’t know what it’s like,
You all have a ball without near trying
While over there our boys are dying. (Loud explosion and the character wakes up and sits up in his bed) I can hardly even understand the horror of it all. How could I do something like that? The guilt. It tears at me every day. I’ve hidden away my Charlie Company memorabilia (He points shamefully and with hesitation at his cupboard.) I don’t even speak of the war or what happened there. All those people they weren’t… (long pause) they weren’t Viet Cong but the
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It’s very dry and dusty, but it’s causing a dust storm which has shrouded the horizon in mist, and I’m told that it’s favoured by the Viet Cong as it to a certain extent covers up their activity. In the background you can probably hear the large American tank that is following.

(Recalls a memory, and video comes up on the cyclorama of what happened, it is as if he is narrating the video) It doesn’t really excuse what I did. There were 500 civilians, most of them where women and children, it was not a fair price to pay for locating a few Viet Cong soldiers. I should have said something like Hugh did. Instead I took my discharge and retreated into the country, keeping a low profile and earning a beggers living. After the noise died there was only the stench of cartridge shells and blood-soaked mud. It was painfully clear that these were no NLF or VC operatives. These were women and children, elderly all clutching their bullet ridden bodies what had I done? How did I do… (after he says this he drifts slowly back into a deep sleep)
