Chef Gender Roles

Words: 1114
Pages: 5

In today’s world, the gender expectations placed on both men and women still plays a key role in how we view our society. To put it another way, our society is driven by these expectations and stereotypes alike. Men, for example, are viewed as fierce, tough, and keeps everything in line. In other words, doing the dirty work to make sure things stay in order. Women, on the other hand, are typically viewed as nurturing, supportive, and loving beings, carrying the traits that men aren’t supposed to show. Throughout the workshop, these expectation and stereotypes suffered every time we viewed a film. With that being said, this paper will explore the relationships between food, and gender role (expectations) chefs are faced with in the kitchen industry. …show more content…
Regardless of the obstacles Martha was faced with, it was clear that her gender played a key a role in how she carried herself, prepared her food, and ultimately conducted business. In a world where head chef jobs are primarily dominated by men, Martha was forced to break through the barriers. The way she conducted herself in the kitchen, would have been equivalent to the way a male chef would run theirs. Her kitchen in particular, was quiet, organized, and fast paced. In other words, everyone had a job, and if they weren’t doing their job correctly, Martha lashed out at them. Like most cooks, she expected nothing shy of perfection not only from herself, but from her staff members as