Chem 115 Lab

Words: 355
Pages: 2

To begin Lab 8 of Chem 115, half a gram of copper wire was weighed out using an analytical scale and the exact mass was recorded. Next, the wire along with 4-5 mL of concentrated nitric acid was added to a 250 mL beaker in the hood. Once the reaction was completed and the wire was completely gone, 100 mL of distilled water was added to the beaker and observations were recorded. Next, 30 mL of 3.0 M sodioum hydroxide was added to the beaker and any observation of the reaction was recorded. Following this reaction, 2-3 boiling chips were added to the beaker and the solution in the beaker was heated using a Bunsen burner. During the heating, a stirring rod was used to stir the solution until the solution reached its boiling point. This reaction