Child Adoption Research Paper

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Pages: 6

Adopting a special needs child
Adopting a child means more than just you picking a child that stands out to you one that you want and you sign legal papers and get to call that child your own. Adopting is finding the best fit for you. Adoption agencies seek parents of same ethnic background or religious background to help the child grow. Adults could adopt an infant or a teenager, each which comes with their own set of obstacles and rewards. Every person has their own idea of their child or children. Adults adopt for many different reasons. Adults who may be infertile and not bale to have their own children, adults who may be older, and single adults who want to start a family. (Development through the Lifespan) As long as they pass the process
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There are 17,900,000 orphans who have lost both parents and are living in orphanages or on the streets and lack the care and attention required for healthy development. These children are at risk for disease, malnutrition, and death.” (UNICEF, 2011) There are so many children out there with one parent or no parents. None of this is their fault but they are suffering because of something horrible that happened, this causes for loneliness.
Growing up and not having anyone to turn to and not having a stable family can heighten the causes of anger issues, attachment disorders and emotional and social difficulties. There are many different reasons as to why children are in foster homes or up for adoption. This could be because the parents were simply too young and not ready. It could also be because something happened to the parents and they simply cannot care for the child. Brain development is very important to an adolescence. Research shows that children who are moved around a lot and have less attention may affect brain structure and activity. It is said that children do better when adopted prior to their second
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The first is genetics. A lot of mental disorders are passed down by family member through their genes. The second reason is biology, some disorders have to do with certain chemicals that are in the brain. Some might have more of one chemical or less than others causing them to act differently. Next is trauma, if a child goes through something traumatic it can impair them and make them act differently. Trauma can be something like sexual abuse, emotional abuse or physical abuse. The last reason is stress, stress from an environment can cause a person to breakdown.
In adoption agencies special needs can mean different things. To many people it means something that is mentally, physically, or emotionally different. It could also mean someone who has a disabilities. In the adoption realm it means anything that is unique or makes it difficult to place a child with an adoption family. It could mean risk of disability or it could be a certain age or ethnic background. Most teens would be considered special needs in adoption agencies because they are harder to find adoptive families