Child of the Dark Essay

Submitted By IFreddieMercury
Words: 302
Pages: 2

Child of the Dark The book Child of the Dark is the diary of Carolina Maria de Jesus. Crolina is a woman who lives in Sao Paulo, Brazil, who´s life consists on collecting paper and metal scraps for food and money. Carolina has three children; Vera who is two, Jose Carlos who is five, and te oldest, Jaao who is eight. They live in a favela, or slum, where living spaces consist of crude huts built of cardboard and wood scraps. The book shows the economic status of a woman who lives in the Brazilian Slums and can barely afford to feed her family. The book also demonstrates her social status. The rich ignore the existance of the poor at their own peril. Though the rich might want to forget about the poor and push them out of sight in the favelas, the poor are as vital to the city as the rich are. When Carolina crosses to the dividing line between these two worlds, she sees the contrast and connction between them more closely and clearly. The rich would be lost without a place to dump their garbage, Carolina seems to be saying, and this observation provides a new perspective on the ever-present link between rich and poor. The book shows Politics in the way that Carolina accuses those in power for being blind to the needs of the poor, she chides the President of Brazil for being like a bird in a glided cage, ignorant of the hungry cats who are circling. She takes on rich business owners who price common goods at a level that is out of the poor's reach. Carolina