Childhood Obesity Research Paper

Words: 536
Pages: 3

Childhood Obesity is a cardiovascular disease that affects the youth of our nation.

Obesity is a disease that must be taken seriously. Recently, studies shows that the number of

obese youth is steadily growing each year. With the number of increasing obesity cases, people

are left wondering what causes childhood obesity. Childhood obesity is a serious disease that has

a variety way of starting, several effects that could be more severe as the child gets older, and

many ways to prevent obesity.

There are many reasons to how childhood obesity starts. Many believed that childhood

obesity is ultimately caused by overeating as a child. However, that may be true but youth

obesity goes much farther than that. Factors that affect childhood
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Genetic or hormonal factors are one

of the biggest reasons why childhood obesity occurs.

Obesity, a cardiovascular disease, has many effects that impacts one’s life. Effects of

childhood obesity include high cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure, sleeping disorder, and

breathing problems. High cholesterol, diabetes, and high blood pressure occur when your diet is

unbalance. An unbalance diet include eating food that contain high counts of saturated fats or

trans fat, not enough fruits and vegetables, a lack of whole grain, etc. Sleep disorder occurs when

your body is asleep, your tongue and throat tend to block the airway thus causing one to wake up

irregularly. Obesity tends to cause breathing problems because the airway from the lungs to the

nose tends to be clog with excess fat. However bad these effects may seem, there are always

ways to prevent to stop obesity before it’s too late.

Several ways to prevent or reduce the chances of obesity involves eating healthy, staying

active and getting checkups with a pediatrician. Eating healthy will reduce the amount of fats

digested by a child thus leading to lower chances of obesity. Staying active is a critical way