Chinese Courtesan Li-Lian Essay

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Pages: 7



A spirited Chinese courtesan scorns a Prince and elopes from Peking with a young diplomat, however, during the Boxer rebellion she must rescue her husband destined to be executed by the man she betrayed.

In Peking, China, arrogant playboy ZAI-YI mistreats courtesan LI-LIAN (20's), but GWEN-TING SHEN, a young diplomat, comes to her rescue.

Zai-Yi proposes to marry Li-Lian, but she is appalled with the idea of becoming his fifth concubine. On her wedding day, Li-Lian tricks Zai-Yi by switching places with another woman MEI-HWA. Zai-Yi vows revenge against her for her betrayal.

To Gwen-Ting’s delight, she boards the ship to London with him. They romance through the voyage. Later,
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When he is appointed the Ambassador to the United Kingdom, Gwen-Ting marries Li-Lian.

Gwen-Ting confronts Major Hayes about procurement of a fleet of new battleships but they are secretly substituted by decommissioned ships.

Li-Lian runs into Zai-Yi at a party. When Zai-Yi threatens to hurt Li-Lian, but Hayes comes to her rescue. When Gwen-Ting is overwhelmed with work and neglects Li-Lian, she begins an affair with Major Hayes, who wants her to spy for him.

Gwen-Ting is ordered to return to Peking for a new position. Li-Lian becomes very sick during their voyage. As Gwen-Ting nurses her back to health, they realize that they really do love each other.

The Empress declares war against the Eight Nations relying on the Boxers and their mystical powers. Gwen-Ting urges the Empress Dowager not to declare a war against the Allies, thus provoking her so much she orders him to be executed.

Desperate, Li-Lian tries to use her courtesan connections to stop Gwen-Ting’s execution. Li-Lian makes deals with Zai-Yi, then with Hayes to save Gwen-Ting's
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Consider streamlining these characters.

The other concern is that the heroine is not always likable because of her actions and her behaviors. Granted, she redeems herself at the end she she saves her husband, but this is late in the structure and thus, for a producer, if they don't like her in the opening and first act, they may not finish the script. Thus, try to find ways to make her more likable and relatable. She has a tough exterior, but she needs to show her vulnerability.

Also, consider elevating her chemistry with Gwen-Ting. Examine if it's absolutely necessary to have Robert and Hayes in the storyline, especially Robert.

Zai-Yi makes for a chilling and worthy foe, but as mentioned, he needs to be more proactive in his revenge and send someone to look for her. Also, normally there's a hero vs. foe climax in which the heroine not only physically battles the foe, but emotionally outwits him.

Gwen-Ting is a believable character. He's caught in the political unrest. His job makes him neglect Li-Lian, but he truly does love her. Clarify who the father of the baby is. One isn't sure if it's really Gwen-Ting's baby or not and it's not really