Chivalry: The Medieval Code

Words: 499
Pages: 2

Chivalry is the medieval code for social and moral behavior. In today's society, this rule of life is like a blooming flower that had came close to dying and revived itself. Although the code is practiced, some may make the erroneous assumption that the medieval code is currently dead. Many chivalric acts will never die.

Generosity can be performed by men in various ways. Walking with a lady on the side where there is oncoming traffic in order to protect her in case something occurs. He can share his food or purchase food for her when she is hungry. Opening doors for females, whether it's a car door or a door to a constructed dwelling. Be generous by granting her the win of a dispute. Despite the rare, yet undeniable use, these examples of the act of being generous are currently being used in the twenty first century.

One can display courage by defending, protecting, or taking ones repulsive position. Many believe that if a man refuses to try something that may put his life in danger, then he is a coward. Policemen, who upholds the law, displays courage everyday when they wear their uniform and carry a badge. They are courageous,
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In this modern world, an extremely small amount of the male and female population speak to each other respectfully. One can argue that this behavior is displayed or not displayed in popular music, social media, and in public establishments. Music today addresses dismantling of relationships, being single, or erotic behavior. Modern songs, also, encourages men to love women unconditionally and explains how to behave towards them. On social media sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, rarely anyone takes a break from verbally abusing another human being. In high school, a public place, an abundance of teenagers are disrespectful to adults and their peers. Outside of the school building, children are beyond the point of