Cholesterol and Lipoproteins Essay

Submitted By adbrown97
Words: 374
Pages: 2

RESEARCH TOPIC: Lipoproteins Lipoproteins are the water-soluble packages that transport lipids to the tissues. For example, cholesterol is critical for certain body functions, and is transported through the blood stream by lipoprotein. There are 4 different types of lipoprotein; some is good while others can be harmful to your health. But there are many ways you can reduce your high levels. There are four main types of lipoprotein, Chylomicrons, Very low-density lipoproteins, low-density lipoprotein, and high-density protein. Chylomicrons are the largest densest lipoprotein. They enter the lymphatic system and travel throughout the body, breaking down, getting smaller and distributing to cells. During the process most of the chylomicrons are used, and the remains return to the liver to be recycled. Very low-density lipoproteins have smaller concentration of fat to protein. In the beginning, it starts out with more protein than fat, however as they travel through the body, they give off protein; this causes the concentration of fat to protein to increase. Low density lipoprotein transport cholesterol to replenish cell’s supply. LDL’s are destroyed in the liver and secrete in the gallbladder for waste. If LDL is in your bloodstream, it cans breakdown and release cholesterol in the blood and cause plaque arteries. High-density lipoprotein transport excess cholesterol out of the bloodstream, and brings it to the liver to be destroyed. HDL’s are considered to be “healthy” because of their job