Chris Gardner Character Traits

Words: 574
Pages: 3

The first character trait Chris Gardner has is he is committed to getting a job at Dean Witter and taking care of his son at the same time. Chris is first committed to taking care of his son by going to the homeless shelter for the bed and food they needed. Next, Chris is committed to selling the bone density scanners so he can have a profit for his son. Chris is finally committed to getting a job at Dean Witter so he can bring in the profit and live a good life. This character trait is related to the American dream because everybody wants to bring in the big bucks and he did. This character trait also relates to the story “Only Daughter” because Chris wants his child to know who he was and appreciate him. The “Only Daughter's” father did not appreciate who she was and that was all that she wanted. The character trait relates to the story “Montgomery Boycott” because Martin Luther King wanted the black people to have the same rights as the …show more content…
Chris is very patient with his wife that always nags him about the bills. Chris did not nag back at his wife because she is alway polluting his lungs when she smokes. Chris is somewhat patient with his son but his son does get out of hand when they are about to go into the homeless shelter and the guy cuts in front of him. This character trait can relate to the “American Dream” because if you want to make money to live you need to be patient with many people you do not like. The character trait can also relate to “Paradox” because most people are not patient and get hotheaded at people. This character trait can relate to “Harrison Bergeron” because Harrison was patient and waited for the right time to make his mark on the world. This character trait can also relate to the “Interlopers” because they were not patient and want to kill each other, then they got trapped by the tree branch and had to be patient and talk it