Chris Mccandless The Wild Analysis Essay

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Pages: 4

Chris McCandless was an admirable person because when he had a goal in his mind he let no one and nothing get in the way of him achieving that goal that he felt so passionate towards. He was also very one track minded which he used to focus all of his energy and thoughts on the one dream in his mind which was reaching the destination, Alaska. Mrs. Westerberg was right when she said, “There was something fascinating about him, Alex struck me as much older than twenty-four. Everything that I said, he’d demand to know more about what I meant, about why I thought this way or that. He was hungry to learn about things. Unlike most of us, he was the sort of person who insisted on living out his beliefs.” (Quote from page 67) Chris McCandless had a thirst for knowledge that no one had ever seen before, he really wanted to know what was going on inside of people’s minds which drew people toward him and made Chris a very intriguing individual. Many people thought that …show more content…
Chris was very unique in the sense that he would rather be alone in the wilderness than with other people. Chris’ love for the wilderness is enough to conquer his need for physical contact. “McCandless’s apparent sexual innocence, however, is a corollary of a personality type that our culture purports to admire, at least in the case of its more famous adherents. His ambivalence toward sex echoes that of celebrated others who embraced wilderness with single-minded passion Thoreau (who was a lifelong virgin)…His yearning, in a sense, was too powerful to be quenched by human contact. McCandless may have been tempted by the succor offered by women, but it paled beside the prospect of rough congress with nature, with the cosmos itself. And thus he was drawn north, to Alaska.” This quote on page 66 shows that Chris had an obvious passion for the outdoors that nothing else could quench, this quality in Chris is what makes him