Christianity Vs Buddhism Research Paper

Words: 596
Pages: 3

Religions divide the human race into categories of belief systems. But have you ever wondered how religions came to be? In this paper, I will be talking about the origins of Christianity and Buddhism. Although these are two completely different religions, there is a slight similarity between the two. The body paragraphs will focus on the two religions.
To begin, Buddhism is one of the most practiced religions in the world. To be exact, it is the fourth largest religion with about 360 million followers. The religion is mainly practiced in Southeast Asia. The place of origin is in Lumbini, Northeastern India and the period of origin is 5th century BCE. The divine leader (founder) is Siddhartha Gautama. They believe in two gods and the belief in the afterlife is that there is a cycle of birth and a rebirth called samsara. The scriptures they use is Tripitaka (as holy text) and Sutra. In addition, Siddhartha Gautama is also known as Prince Siddhartha. He became known as Shakyamuni and created a path of salvation for his followers.
Buddhism does not consist of only praying and studying, they also have brilliant festivals
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To go further into detail, Buddhist New Year is celebrated to get rid of evil spirits. This even generally lasts 3 days. The first day is celebrated with their family while on the second and third day, followers spend it with their friends. The time it is celebrated depends on the country and people. Eventually, Parinirvana Day is honored. This is the holiday that marks the buddha's death. However, this day is celebrated peacefully by people going to monasteries (temples) to bring presents such as goods, money, clothing, or food. Another holiday is Magha Puja Day. This day is for followers to pay their respects. Furthermore, Buddhism impacted the world by giving people purpose, spread all across asia and made it to the Americas, influenced many culture, festivals, and created new