Christians Arguments Against The Death Penalty

Words: 573
Pages: 3

“Great are the works of the Lord to be treasured for all their delights.” Ps 111: 2 Humans are destroying the Lord’s works with pollution. The fifth commandment states Christians should not kill, this includes people and environment. Christians should not kill others through the Death Penalty for everyone deserves to live, and humans should not kill the environment for it is God’s creation. People should not kill through war, unless the war is just. Roman Catholics oppose the acts of Death Penalty, Pollution, and War because it violates human dignity. The Catholic Church opposes the Death Penalty because it violates basic human rights to life. Everyone has a right to life and Death Penalty takes that away. “ When they came to the place called skulls they crucified him and the criminals, one to his right and the other to his left.” Lk. 23: 33 Jesus was killed for what they thought he did, but when he was finally gone they realized what they did and they could not take that back. Death is the ultimate punishment and should not be tampered with. Additionally, the St. John Paul II stated, “The Church is committed to opposing the Death Penalty because it is both cruel and unnecessary.” in St. Louis on January 27, 1999. The church …show more content…
We need to take care of what God has given us. Not litter and abuse the environment to the point where animals are going extinct because of us. “Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and the cattle, and over all the wild animals, and all the creatures that crawl on the ground.” Ge. 1: 26 God gave us the dominion over all, we should respect that. “The totality of what exists depends on the one who gives it being.” CCC 326. God entrusted us with the power to control our surrounding. This should not be abused. Littering and pollution is wrong to every degree, as a society this needs to be worked