Citizenship Coursework Guidebook Essay

Submitted By joehopkins
Words: 5114
Pages: 21

Citizenship Coursework
Follow the advice on this guidebook and you’ll get an A*--guaranteed!!
Coursework is worth
40% of your final grade!

You have done your community activity…..congratulations!!
You must now write it up. This is very important as it is worth
40% of your final grade!!
Follow this coursework guidebook very carefully as it gives you advise on how to get top marks.
This guidebook is split up into the same sections that are on your response form:
1)Planning the Activity.
2) Activity log.
3) Communication.
4) Evaluation.
I have used real life examples from previous years. All the examples used are from pupils who got an A*. The names have been changed. Look at how, in the examples, pupils always explain WHY they have done an action. The pupils always give reasons and examples to back up their opinions.

In order to do well you :
a) Must remember what you did in your activity
b) Must remember why you did it.
c) Must show links to Citizenship as much as you can.
d) Explain in detail everything you did and give full reasons for your actions. ALWAYS SAY WHY YOU DID THINGS.

The activity must be well planned. You must record the planning process of the activity. You must make sure that everyone knows their roles and responsibilities.
It is important to keep a record of your planning as you go along as this will help you when you write up the activity.

In this section you must show how you planned the activity.
In order to get top marks you must say exactly how you planned the coursework, giving a detailed description of your role and the role of others in your group.
Include the contribution and experiences of everyone in your group.

Examples of good answers.
Planning Stages.
 We first got together as a group and had a meeting to decide what to do our coursework on.
 We chose our topic by talking as a group and using democracy by voting. We chose the topic of talking to pupils at Brady about the Chafford School as this helped to build up relations between the schools and helped to prepare their pupils for life at The Chafford, making sure they are aware of the rules.
 We gave each person in the group a different job and responsibility, this made the activity run smoothly, keeping everyone busy.
 We contacted each other by email and phone. Email was good as it recorded all our plans and people who were absent could read the plans. Email is impersonal though so we often used the phone as this allows people to respond to plans straight away.
 We used MSN to contact each other as this allowed us all to communicate outside school hours.
 We made sure we wrote letters to get permission as this gave us deadlines to work to.
 We all worked separately on our own ideas then took it in turns going round each other’s house to compare what we had done, this kept us aware of what we had done and what we had to do.
 We drew up a timeline to keep us on track. It showed us what we had to do and when it had to be done by. The timeline allowed us to achieve our goals by giving everyone set tasks.
 We practised our speeches in the school library and in lessons. This helped us to overcome our nerves and made us seem more professional.
 We got to work on our individual tasks. Lucy went to Lakeside to but a prize for the raffle while Emma drew up posters. The posters allowed more people to become aware of what we were doing and the prize made more people willing to buy a ticket.
 We put all of our ideas on computer. This stopped us from losing our work and it was easier to change our plans than constantly writing them.

 Mary gathered ideas on the RSPCA and I put them on the slideshow. We both used our IT knowledge to make the slideshow look as interesting as possible to keep the audience interested.
 We gathered lots of information in the RSPCA, this helped out planning as it