Civil Disobedience: The Boston Tea Party

Words: 666
Pages: 3

Under the first amendment of the Bill of Rights, people of the United States have been granted the privilege to speak out and petition. Historical figures that we admire such as Rosa Parks, Susan B. Anthony, and Martin Luther King Jr. have exercised their rights to speak freely in an effort to advance the rights of those being oppressed. Through acts of civil disobedience, individuals have resisted injustices throughout history and have impacted our society in positive ways. The willingness of these individuals and movements to disobey controversial laws in a civil manner has resulted in our society being a better place for all. I strongly believe that without the use of protest and acts of civil disobedience that it would not have been possible for so many accomplishments be achievements throughout history. …show more content…
People in the Americas felt as though they were unjustly being taxed by the British. The people protested by throwing chests of tea into the Boston Harbor. They were well aware of the consequences of their actions and were ready to except the outcome. Through their acts of civil disobedience, the people were able to acquire their own government for their voices to be heard and represented. This act of resistance to defend their rights would result in the establishment of a new country, which illustrates the importance of civil disobedience in our society. America was founded on acts of civil disobedience, demonstrating not only positive outcomes but also shaping our society into what it is