Civil Liberties And Civil Rights

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Pages: 7

Civil Liberties and Civil Rights Civil liberties and civil rights is something that is very important to everyone living in the United States. When it comes to both civil liberties and civil rights it is in fact aimed directly at the government. It is aimed directly at the government due to the fact that there must exist a balance between the freedom of an individual and how much power the government is able and willing to limit an individual. In fact, with the diversity that the United States holds and the diversity that continues to grow, maintaining a balance has always been a very crucial element. According to the book Civil Liberties (7), when the Constitution was put into effect back in 1787, it did not include The Bill of Rights. …show more content…
Usually this will happen when an individual or some type of organization claims that they have the right to do whatever they may feel like doing to express themselves. Some of those things are numerous acts, such as a named protest of their liking, carry a firearm, and some may even take it to the level of burning a flag to make their point come across very clear. When an individual engages in the previously mentioned acts, the government may interfere and the individuals acting out may feel as if they have the right to do as they please. This will then go to the courts and the courts will act as the middle man to try and resolve the issue that is present at that given time. Civil rights are a little different from civil liberties. Civil rights are more about being treated equally instead of being about freedom. This may include any claims that are from one individual to another individual, individual to an organization, organization to another organization or any other way. Civil rights legislation basically strictly prohibits any type or form of discrimination due to race, ethnicity, religion, voting, employment public …show more content…
In addition to this, it is an unconstitutional act to punish someone for exercising their American rights. Another point is that taking away United States Citizenship from a citizen is something that is almost impossible to do. The reason being is that in order to take away citizenship from a natural born citizen, the individual has to have an act of will upon that specific individual. The burning of a flag, may be a very disgraceful act to the country, however it is considered an expression, and every person has the freedom to express themselves as they see it fit, regardless of how anyone else might see it. Many people may or may not agree with it, but it is within our law. So, therefore, this may raise questions as to whether President elect Donald Trump will take his actions a step further and challenge our First