Battle Of The American War

Submitted By savanrb
Words: 380
Pages: 2

1st wave of succession when Lincoln was elected president

April 9th 1861: Ft. Sumter
1st conflict
April 4th Lincoln decide to resupply
Confederacy orders attack on Sumter
South Carolina fires upon fort of 69 United states soldiers
Sumter attack unified North
The attack on Sumter led Lincoln to call states for 75,000 militiamen
2nd wave of secession: Virginia(more experienced leaders), Tennessee, North Carolina, Arkansas

22 million Northern to 6 million white
Union held a 3:1 margin in available manpower
The north produced 94% of iron, 97% of corn held 72% of railroads, grew 67% of corn and 81% of wheat

The Anaconda Plan
Gen Winfield Scott
1.) Naval blockade of the southern coast
2.) Capture the Mississippi River
3.) wait for the confederacy to crumble

First Battle of Bull Run
First Major conflict
July 1861
Union casualties 1,600 (North)
Confederate 2,000 (South)
Union retreats to D.C.

Second Battle of Bull Run
August 29th & 30th 1862
Union General McClellan & General Pope
Confederacy General Robert E Lee
25,000 combined casualties
Again retreat to D.C.

Battle of Antietam
September 17th 1862
Confederate offensive campaign
80,000 union soldiers led by gen McClellan
50,000 confederate soldiers led by General Lee
Combined casualties 22,700 in a single day

Emancipation Proclamation
January 1st, 1863
Emancipation slaves in rebel areas only
Slave can liberate themselves by crossing U.S. army lines
The union army emancipated slaves
Discourages ex- slave violence
Did not have full support in the North and in Britain
North not believing in equality
“If he could end the war without ending the slavery, he would”

The Fall of Vicksburg
May 18th- July 4th 1863
Last confederate post along Mississippi
General Grant surrounded Vicksburg