Civilization Vs Savage Lord Of The Flies Quote Analysis

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Human has two sided and it seems like our hand. The left hand is civilization and the right hand is savage. In the novel, the conflict was between civilization and savage, in that actually savage is hidden in people’s heart. Moreover, perhaps more importantly, they are using manners, a true sign of civility. As the story progresses, and the longer the boys are removed from the rest of humanity they start to shed their civilized conditioning. The environment begins to influence, causing than to become more savage. The Lord Of The Flies is showing from an otherwise barbaric animal such as a human being, and to argue otherwise is taking a biased stance that is so far removed from such a situation that the idea that countless instances of savagery …show more content…
Therefore Jack and his hunters danced in a chaotic situation and then they the brutal murder of Simon. According to this quote: ‘I cut the pig’s throat,’ said Jack, proudly, and yet twitched as he said it, ‘Can I borrow yours, Ralph, to make a nick in the hilt?’ pg.73 this is how cruel way for they to kill the pig. When Jack said he can cut the pig’s throat, it showed how darkness his heart was. Because they knew pig can also attack them. However, he didn’t afraid about that at all. This represented Jack’s wild nature that had been forming in his mind long time before. Hence, he knew how to deal with the pig “Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Spill her blood.”pg72 There was another side also represent their savage, when they dance at night, it seems like a very joyful night for them dance together. But “It was crying out against the abominable noise something about a body on the hill.” That was how a creepy accident happened at night. There was the familiar voice that said: “Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood!” pg218. Because they thought Ralph’s group liked enemy for them. The only to let them disappeared in this world that must kill them and they didn’t think made a compromise was a good choice. According to this quote: “It was an accident,” said Piggy suddenly, “that’s what it was. An accident.” Pg 225 It showed piggy also knew the real truth but he juts found a excuse for …show more content…
The enemy for against Jack only left himself and he was more clearly than anyone about his situation. Sam and Eric were kidnapped, and they cannot help Ralph anymore. But the surprise new was told to Ralph that “They’re going to hunt you tomorrow.” Pg 216 said from Sam. In Jack’s eyes, if Ralph still alive and he has an influence upon his rights and status. On the other hand, Ralph used an intelligent way to talk with Jack. In contrast, Jack was using his cruelness to kill Ralph. He was burning the forest and trying to expel Ralph off to the forest. But his savage mind was foolish. Jack and the hunters did not think about their future life. Even though they can kill Ralph, they still need to live on this island. The needed of foods continues their life. In addition, when they burn the forest, it was a huge smoke flying in the sky. Eventually, an officer came to the land and he discovered Ralph, “We saw your smoke. And you don’t know how many of you there are?” And Ralph said “No,Sir” pg 224actually he really did not know about that. In the beginning, Piggy told Ralph before they need to make a list to make sure how many people in here. But Ralph did not listen to him. As a consequence, Ralph was the only person who saved by the officer. Regrets and wild ambitions made the hunters