Types Of Socialization

Submitted By HarryStyles1
Words: 480
Pages: 2

3. According to Scott and Marshall (2009:714) socialization is defined as ‘the process by which we learn to become members of society, both by internalizing the norms and values of society, and also by learning to perform our social roles’. Our behaviour is learnt through experiences and situations, and because of this we understand what is acceptable in society. Whereas the majority of animal behaviour is considered innate and absolute, socialization within human animals is imperative in order to fully develop and become an integrated member of society. As our culture and society is continually changing, we must socialize in order to learn what is accepted in our society at the time. There are two types of socialization: primary and secondary, the most important being primary. Primary socialization begins and continues through infancy into childhood. It is at this early stage that children learn what is right and wrong from their parents. They will also learn important life skills such as feeding themselves and the use of language.

If a child experiences extreme deprivation of human contact they can become feral, with no experience of human care and attention as well as being unable to communicate using human language. There was once a case of young girl named Genie, who from the age of twenty months to thirteen years was held in solitary confinement and was deprived of the normal amount of human contact that a child would normally encounter. When her mother escaped with her and she was admitted to hospital she was functioning as a one year old child. However Genie did respond to the developmental treatment that she was given, using small words as well as gestures. (Smith, Cowie and Blades, 2003:557-558). Genie’s development is a good example which is illustrative of the theory that in order for a child to develop and become accepted into society, primary socialisation and nurturing from their significant others is imperative.