Classroom Observation: Euclid High School

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Pages: 3

Basic Information:
Joseph is currently a senior enrolled at Euclid High School. Joseph lives at home with his mother, father and younger brother. His hobbies include computer programming, voice overs, video games and acting. Joseph participates in the morning announcements and is involved in the after school club ,Gaming. These activities have helped Joseph communicate with peers and learn appropriate social skills in small groups. According to current teacher comments and class reports, Joseph is an outstanding student who is reliable, conscientious and participates positively in class. Joseph continues to work hard in all of his classes to earn a 3.651 GPA for first quarter. He is in the top 25 students in his class with a cumulative
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Joseph's weakness is in the area of Working Memory, which indicates attention, concentration, and mental control. Joseph scored average in the areas of Processing Speed and Perceptual Reasoning. Based on the overall academic, social, adaptive and communication ratings, Joseph demonstrates deficits in the following areas: social interaction, social communication, emotional responses, and cognitive style. Although his last evaluation demonstrates areas of weaknesses, Joseph continues to make improvements in each of these areas. He picked up quickly on social cues and is doing very well at communicating effectively in class. Many students say hello to Joseph in the hallway in passing and at times, he engages in conversations with students. Joseph is invited to sit in the case manager's room and talk with a small group setting with other students during lunch; however, Joseph prefers to stay in the lunchroom. He has met with his case manager three times during lunch and has been receptive to meeting new students and engaging in …show more content…
Previous Goals:
By December 2015, Joseph will demonstrate the use of organizational skills to manage classroom tasks, daily work and weekly assignments / projects for all classroom settings with 80% accuracy across 4 consecutive weeks as measured by work completion and teacher rating scale. Joseph has mastered this goal. No prompts are needed to complete and start assignments. Joseph demonstrates organizational skills daily by asking for assignments when absent, turning work in early to earn extra credit points and his scores in this area are 80% and above.

Academic Achievement: