Claudette Colvin's Advancement Of Civil Rights

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Pages: 1

Claudette Colvin is a name many are unfamiliar with but is a figure comparable to that of Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks refused to obey the order to give up her seat in the colored section to a white passenger. This incident occurred nine months subsequent to Claudette Colvin’s defiance and arrest for giving up her seat on the Montgomery’s segregated bus system. In 1956, Colvin was a plaintiff in the case Browder v. Gayle, a case that lead to the ruling of Alabama’s bus system as unconstitutional. Colvin’s legacy often go unnoticed because of Rosa Park’s praise as a civil rights heroine. But, Claudette Colvin’s efforts were necessary in the advancement of civil rights in Montgomery, in Alabama, and in