How To Cleansing And Cleaning Crystals

Submitted By asimasim697
Words: 1266
Pages: 6

Crystals & Gemstones
Cleansing, Programming And Using

Blue Water Crystals Cleansing & Clearing Stones
After purchasing or newly acquiring a crystal or when a favorite stone or crystal just doesn't feel right, it's a good idea to cleanse or clear it. Clearing is also necessary before using any stone for healing. The clearer the energy of a healing stone, the more powerful it is. There are many ways to accomplish this clearing. A general rule of thumb to remember is to think of your crystal friends as just that, friends. We all like a little sun but not to lie out in it for a couple days straight. Nor would we like to be buried in salt. Treat your crystals in a way that you personally would find appealing or feels like the right thing for them. With that being said, here's several ways to cleanse your crystals. WATER If you need a quick and fast cleaning, run them under cool tap water. Never use too warm or hot water as this could fracture or break your crystals. Make sure the points are facing down so the negative energy will run right on down the drain. You can also place them in a mesh bag to accomplish this. If you have access to an ocean, stream or river, those waters are even better. This water process will clean and re-energize your crystals. SOAKING Soaking your crystals for 3-4 hours in water with dissolved sea salt is another way to cleanse. It's not a highly recommended method and caution must be used as the salt can damage certain porous stones, such as lapis, opal, coral to name a few. Use a glass bowl for this and do not reuse the salt water. Thoroughly rinse your crystals after their soaking. A safe variation of this is by filling a larger bowl with the salt and use a second clear glass bowl sitting on top of the salt. The salt can be reused over and over. That way they're surrounded by the drawing properties of the salt without coming in direct contact with it's potential damaging effect.

SUN & MOON The sun and moon can be very clearing and cleansing, as well as energizing. Placing your stones outside where they can soak up the sunlight or moonlight is very beneficial. In the moonlight, full to new moons are best and all night is fine. For sun, only a few hours is recommended and not in hot, direct sunlight. An inside window sill is a perfectly acceptable location for both. FLOWER WATER Crystals can be cleared by soaking them for 24 hrs in flower water. This can be done with the petals of rose, honey suckle, orange blossoms, jasmine or others. BURYING This is a personal choice kind of thing. Since they come from the earth, it makes sense to bury them back there to cleanse and restore. Wrap your gem or crystal in clean cloth and bury them in some moist ground. Place them point down for proper negative energy drain. For apartment dwellers, use a flower pot to bury your crystals in. Leave up to 24 hours. A word of caution though, know your geological facts and the potential reaction of the local soil to the chemical makeup of your stones. SMUDGING A quick way to cleanse your healing stones is to smudge them. Smudging is an excellent way to clear the energy inside and make sure your stones are purified. There are several that are very good for smudging including, sage, sandalwood, cedar wood and sweet grass. Simply light the sage or whatever and allow it to smoke in your bowl or abalone shell while passing your stone through the smoke. This can be done a couple times to ensure cleansing. Smudging after every healing is a good idea as well. DRIED FLOWERS OR HERBS Burying your crystal in a cupful of dried herbs will also clear it. Suggested herbs for this are rose petals, sage, frankincense, myrrh, and sandalwood. COMBINING WITH OTHERS Some stones will clear the negative energies from other stones just by commingling with them. Often, this is too simple for most peoples' need for ritual, but it does work well. This can be done with quartz crystal clusters, amethyst clusters,