Climate Change Affecting Future Generations

Words: 615
Pages: 3

11. If no changes were made, then how would the situation of climate change affect future generations?
The food supply will become destabilized if no changes in climate are made. The earth will double in size since 1981 and the changing climate will not help with food availability. The rising temperatures and precipitation are expected to affect crops over the next several decades. Because climate change brings floods, droughts and heat waves, the destruction that these natural disasters bring with them is inevitable. Crops will be destroyed causing a possible famine for our future generations.
2. What are some other effects caused by climate change other than rising sea levels, and ice melting, and why does global warming affect parts of the world differently?
Climate change does not just affect the sea levels and the melting ice. The temperature increase brought by climate change brings droughts as well as wildfires. The increasing temperature increases the evaporating moisture levels of both land and water.
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Over the past century human activities such as deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels have allowed the global temperature to rise dramatically. It is important to prepare ourselves for the impact that climate change is prepared to show. Storms and hurricanes are expected to become more impactful. Setting up stronger solid homes and evade any possible floodplain areas. Rising sea levels has been an ongoing phenomenon which cannot be stopped but can be avoided. Improving our drainage system and elevating our current structures can help prevent rising sea levels in our atmosphere. An increase in temperature increases the amount of moisture that evaporates from the land and water, causing rainfall patterns to alternate. This phenomenon will increase the chances of drought and wildfires. To prevent droughts and wildfires, it is important to plant crops such as shrubs; a plant that is fire resistant and edible for