Cloning: Morality and Cloning Essay

Submitted By Kiley1
Words: 952
Pages: 4

Cloning occurs naturally in some plants and in human identical twins, and it is now possible to clone animals artificially. The subject of cloning raises a number of issues which need to be taken into consideration. Cloning is rapidly emerging as one of the most controversial and emotion-laden of topics in today’s world. To clone or not to clone: that is the million-dollar question. The prospect of cloning is highly controversial and raises a number of ethical, legal and social challenges that need to be considered. So, is it right or is it wrong? Can we not overlook this aspect since there are many advantages to it?
The term cloning describes a number of different processes that can be used to produce genetically identical copies of a biological entity. The copied material, which has the same genetic makeup as the original, is referred to as a clone. Cloning has been an idea the world has awaited and feared for decades. Cloning has been around since the 1950s when two scientists made a frog from tadpole cell. In 1996 a group of scientists in Scotland the birth of a sheep cloned from embryonic cells, presaging dolly. Dolly’s was the birth heard round the world. The first mammal ever cloned from a single adult cell, she was living proof that scientists had solved one of the most challenging problems of cell biology. Her creation raised a troubling question: can humans too be cloned? And if so , should humans be able to play god?
A mammal born from a single adult cell. The question is “is cloning good or evil?”.Some say this is one of the most remarkable breakthroughs of science history. Man creates life. Amazing. But lets rethink this,
Although there are clear benefits to humankind of cloning to provide spare body parts, I believe it raises a number of worrying ethical and moral issues. Is the ability for man to create life (in a sense play god), is this a good thing or a bad thing? Why would it be a bad thing? This is an incredible breakthrough of scientific history. This area of microbiology needs to be further explored. There are several advantages that cloning may serve.
Let’s look at the cloning mammals. Scientists believe, cloning could be used to repopulate animals that are difficult to breed and animals that are at risk of becoming extinct. Also, although it would be extremely difficult, some scientists believe that cloning could in fact bring back extinct species. Scientists also believe that this type of cloning could be used to create offspring with “special” qualities e.g. : a farmer could clone his prize cow over and over to produce better milk with more nutrients.. On the other hand, Scientists believe that, given time, they could use Cloning in humans.
Due to breakthroughs in medical science and improved diets, people are living much longer than in the past. This, though, has brought with it problems. As people age, their organs can fail so they need replacing. If humans were cloned, their organs could then be used to replace those of sick people. It is currently the case that there are often not enough organ donors around to fulfill this need, so cloning humans would overcome the issue as there would then be a ready supply. For an example a child might need a bone marrow transplant within the next two years. You could clone a copy and retrieve the bone marrow. Furthermore cloning would give lesbians a way to bear a biological descendant without visiting a sperm bank. Perhaps the army could breed stronger, braver soldiers to use just for battles.
Although Human and Animal Cloning would have