Coach Carter Case Summary

Words: 950
Pages: 4

1. You’re the driver of the bus
1. In practice, Coach Carter tells the players that if they are late, they will have to all run. He then tells them that they have to do this because if they are late, they are not getting better which is hurting the team. This connects to this rule because he is telling the players that they will follow his rules in order for them to get better. He wants them to succeed and the only way he can make that happen is if they buy into his plan and his rules. 2. Damien is telling Coach Carter that he is going to attend Richmond and play for his dad. He makes this decision because he knows that it is best for him. This connects to this rule because Damien is telling his dad that he doesn’t care about his opinion, he is going to do what he
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Invite people on your bus and share your vision of the road ahead.

1. Coach Carter gives the players on his team a contract to sign. The contract declares their commitment to the team and to Coach Carter. This connects to this rule because he is telling them that if they want to be able to play basketball they will have to honor his contract and follow his rules. If they do this, then they are able to play on the team.

2. Coach Carter is telling the boys and their parents that the players must follow the rules of the contract because basketball is a privilege. He is saying that none of these are hard and that if they keep them, they will become better people. This connects to this rule because he is telling the parents to get on the bus too. He is telling them that the boys signed the contract and they therefore agreed to get on his bus and follow his requirements.

5. Don’t waste your energy on those who don’t get on your bus.

1. Coach Carter tells his son when he is late to practice that he has to run. Coach doesn’t make the entire team run. This connects to this rule because he is letting Damien know that even though he is the coach’s son, he still has to follow the rules of the