Essay on Cold War and Intercontinental Ballistic Missile

Submitted By Henderson1
Words: 310
Pages: 2

In the 1960’s science and technology was expanding in this decade. During this time the America moved away from the cold war and closer to international cooperation. Humanity was on the start to outer space. The Soviet Union launched the first ever artificial satellite into orbit on Oct 4, 1957 called the sputnik 1. Soon after that the space race was on. The Russians also launched the first ever intercontinental ballistic missile. Although the Russians were the first ones in space the Americans were the first to put a man on the moon before the end of the decade like President Kennedy had promised. He created the National Aeronautics and Space Admonition (NASA). The mission was called Apollo 11. Their goal was to return safe back to earth. This was achieved at 4:17p.m. July 20. When Armstrong piloted “Eagle” to the touchdown on the moon with almost less than thirty seconds left of fuel. They landed safely. Then more than six hours later Armstrong took the first steps on the moon “One giant leap for mankind.” The final frontier of space gave America new technologies. Including powdered “orange juice” called Tang and Velcro.
The 1960’s science and technology was very heavily practiced. Rachel Carson was a writer, a scientist, and an ecologist. Rachel Carson was concerned about the long-term effects pesticides had on animals and people. DDT was used to control bugs. The pesticide started to accumulate the food chain up. She wrote the book Silent Spring in 1962. This book