Colonial Connecticut Research Paper

Words: 354
Pages: 2

Colonial Connecticut
The following fact file on Colonial Connecticut provides a fast overview of important facts relating to the history, founding and establishment of Colonial Connecticut:

Name: The name of Colonial Connecticut was taken from a Native American phrase meaning “river whose water is driven by tides or winds.”
Date Founded: The Colony was founded in 1636 by Thomas Hooker and other colonists, at Hartford
Location: Colonial Connecticut was one of the original 13 English colonies located on the Atlantic coast of North America, as shown on the map
Region: The 13 colonies were divided into three geographic regions consisting of the New England, Middle and Southern colonies. The Connecticut Colony was classified as one of the New England Colonies
Geography & Climate: Mountains, trees, rivers but poor rocky soil that was difficult to farm and unsuitable for crops. Mild, short summers and long, cold winters
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The first settlement by Europeans in Colonial Connecticut were made in 1633 by Dutch settlers on the site of present day Hartford. In the same year a trading post was established on the Connecticut river by settlers from the Plymouth Colony, A colonist called John Oldham (1600-1636) of Massachusetts explored the valley and his favorable reports led to the founding of Colonial Connecticut by Thomas Hooker in 1636. Thomas Hooker was a leading Puritan clergyman who grew dissatisfied with the rigid practices and government of the Puritan church in Massachusetts. He established the new colony with about 100 colonists who shared his views. Thomas Hooker inspired the "Fundamental Orders of Connecticut," which was one of the first written democratic constitutions that established a representative government. This famous constitution was in force for 180 years. In 1662 Colonial Connecticut secured a royal charter from King Charles II. The charter included the New Haven