Colonists Identity In Colonial America

Words: 600
Pages: 3

Colonial Americas Identity
During the beginning of colonial America, some key events that shaped its identity was the freedom the colonists wanted from Great Britain and the unjust laws the king was placing upon the colonies. The colonists were not getting a fair voice in their own government. Also the colonists wanted to have certain rights and have certain laws that would not give one person too much power. People in certain towns were accusing many women of witchcraft and were hanging them with no trial. These women had no rights whatsoever and could speak the truth to protect themselves.
First of all, the colonists wanted to be freed from the rule of the King of Great Britain. The colonies were being treated very poorly by the king. Colonies were not receiving the fair treatment and they were being controlled by Great Britain.The king was a tyrant and he was unfit to be the ruler of free people(Jefferson 67).¨The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states¨(Jefferson 64-65). The king placed unjust taxes on the colonists for almost everything they had. Also the king had judges
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Colonists had a plan for the way they wanted to be governed and things they would follow. The leaders would create a government in which the powers were separated into three different branches. Each branch limited the power of the other so it would not become over powered. The three branches are the Legislative, Judicial, and the Executive branch. These laws now gave more rights to the people and allowed for them to vote for who they wanted to be their president. On the other hand, not every person had the same rights and they all were not able to