Coming Of Age In John Updike's A & P

Words: 844
Pages: 4

There are two famous words of unhappy employees seemingly always us, I quit! These words can be joined to such a variety of things in life. Occasionally, things aren't as they appear, for instance the rush and excitement of having a summer or first job. The story “A&P” by John Updike is told by Sammy, an employee in the grocery store A&P, with no feeling of through and through freedom, which he needs to escape of. A&P is only a few miles off the shoreline, Sammy’s normal day turns upside down when Queenie and her two friends come into A&P “in nothing but bathing suits” (Updike 117). This seemed to bother the community members who were in the grocery store. This is also when Sammy started to change, he started to rethink his drives and choices. This is a coming of age story that had Sammy deciding between a standard, lifeless life and a life packed with chances and nonconformity.
The store is located in “the middle of town” and “north of Boston” a little off the coast (Updike 180). The people of the community conformed as much as they could to each other. The community goes to Sunday school and everyone knows everything. Sammy liked to compare the
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This unchangeable standard life is terrible to Sammy, giving him a feeling of detainment. A solid sense preservationist society is significantly all the more emphatically depicted when Sammy portrays the towns regular day to day existence and inspirations with the accompanying attributes. they go to Sunday school, demonstrating the town is religious; it everyone is acquainted with everybody, and this is most noticeably seen when Lengel, the manager, puts Sammy’s parents into inquiry as he chooses to leave; and individuals wed and have their youngsters right off the bat in their life, all done customarily. His conduct appears to draw him as close as he can get in this story to an independence which the three young ladies