Comms and Employ Essay

Submitted By frank996
Words: 594
Pages: 3

Communications and Employability

Assignment 2

Task 1


I have used many different IT tools to communicate effectively. The IT tools that I have used are Microsoft Word, Power Point, and the Internet. All of these tools have helped me to communicate very well.

Microsoft word has helped me due to the fact that it has different features in the software. The features that helped me were the use of making tables and putting my writing into paragraphs which made it easier to read and follow. The table feature made it easier for me to categorise my work.

Power Point has also helped me to communicate. This is due to the many features it comes with. The features of Power Point can more effectively determine the key points I want to make in my presentation and create PowerPoint slides that more clearly make my points both visually and in text.

Internet explore is one of the best IT tools that I have used in this assignment. Internet is a very effective IT tool to be used this is because it has many different search engines. The internet in this assignment helped me a lot as most of the research and information that I gathered was from its resources. Also it allowed me had to use the e-mail in various ways.

Throughout the assignment I will be using these tools once more. And others as well. One of the main tools that I will be using will be Microsoft word as most of the work and writing will be on there.

Task 2


To help the potential employees on the recruitment the employer can give the employees feedback on the new developments. This can be done by giving them training in the way that development has been done. As well as giving training in the development section the employees and employers can keep a PDP which later can be shared with the colleagues within the department or the area of work. Having a PDP is useful and is a lot of help and a great importance to the employers as well as the employees; this is because it can be used to get feedback and personal ideas of the staff.

Swot Analysis:
SWOT Analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project or in a business venture. It involves specifying the objective of the business venture or project and identifying the internal and external factors that are favourable and unfavourable to achieving that objective. The technique is credited to Albert Humphrey, who led a convention at Stanford University in the 1960s and 1970s using data from Fortune 500 companies.

Student plan: A student plan can help student to my target for the term and it is used to help the student to record homework, have other learning activities in it and etc.

Task 3

|Weakness |Action |Outcome |By |Reward |
|Science |Research on the areas that |I am now very good at |March |Pass |
| |I have trouble with through|biology but a little more | | |
| |various sites |could be learnt | | |
|Geography |Research on the areas that |Have Strengthened the areas|January |Pass |
| |I have trouble with through|I have been weak on and now| | |
| |various sites |have a better understanding| | |
| | |of the subject