Communication And Professional Relationships With Children, Young People And Adults

Submitted By Larmette
Words: 3257
Pages: 14

Communication and Professional Relationships with Children,
Young People and Adults
1. Understand the principles of developing positive relationship with children, young people and adults. 1.1 Effective communication refers to success in producing a desired or intended result: an outstanding development of a child. In order to achieve this interaction an educator needs to engage through playing and exploring, active learning, creating and thinking critically the child or the young pupil. The communication styles and behaviour are required to be adapted to the age of the child in order to be effective. For instance with children the educator will have the role of helping to find ways to solve problems or new ways to do things, to test new ideas, to make links and notice patterns, to change strategies as required by the attended objectives. On the other hand with young children the effective communication guides us on a different path, that of knowing them through their activities, relationships with mates and adults and interests. It is also needed the use of conversation, explanation at a different level which enables the pupils understand properly the ways of achieving a set of goals. Later in their development the adolescents will chose to communicate more with their friends and less with educators and parents. Therefore an effective communication means to be supportive and sensitive to their experiences and the social and physical changes through these years. The educators have got to be flexible and open minded in order to be able to maintain a good relationship adult – child. Recognising the difference between generations, between their thoughts and ideas will support a good relationship which will always be based on truth and trusting each other. As for effective communication among adults we need to refer to creating connections through dialog, patience, empathy, mutual help, understanding and support from both sides.
1.2 The process of teaching is conceived within the dialog educator – pupil and creating the conditions in which this dialog will develop positively. We should always consider these conditions as very important and not to be left to chance. Effective communication is based on honesty, transparency, support and consistency, the principles that one should always consider within the relationship building. The authentic dialog happens when each person engages entirely expressing sincerely his/her emotions, feelings, experiences, accepting the feelings, the ideas and the needs of others, because one wants to understand them, to modify the attitude and the intentions of cooperating with others. Hence the cooperation is very important. It is also of great importance to consider the pupils as a part of a social group whose members work positively. The school must become a friendly and safe environment trough developing the positive aspects within the clubs and programs that teachers may lead. Students need to have a strong sense of self – worth which could be achieved by approval, recognition, appreciation, respect for their work. In this sense, teachers should promote acceptance and inclusion of all pupils. Lessons have to prove collaboration and cooperation framed by the pupils’ diversity of languages and cultures. Being considerate with all the pupils and treating them equally is very important because they want to be listened and respected as human beings with feelings, opinions, desires and fears. It is also of great importance to remember issues which are personal to the pupils in order to help them to develop a sense of self - worth and competence. Getting to know certain aspects of others’ personal lives will give you the opportunity to act accordingly to their problems or concerns.